Root veggies have become more and more prominent in households because of their delicious earthly flavors and incredible nutrition! Oh yeah! They contain an ENORMOUS amount of vitamins and minerals, as well as antioxidants and slow burning carbs. We’re enhancing root veggies in a unique and transformative way.
Eureka! Viande has re-invented the traditional pizza by incorporating plantain and Caribbean spices into its elegant and crispy crust. Plantain is delicious, gluten free and low in calories. That’s because, well...plantains! Plantains are amazing! They are energy-rich, high in vitamin C and A, as well as potassium. Our pizzas offer the perfect combination of different elements: a crispy plantain crust, with an aromatic marinara sauce, and a sweet touch of ripe plantains topped off with our gooey mozzarella cheese, spicy pepperoni, and juicy Puerto Rican style chicken Longaniza, or seasoned ground beef. Now, that’s the perfect pizza!
Just like the song, cheese pizza never gets old! Your favorite cheese pizza with a twist.
1 - Preheat oven to 425°F.
2 - Remove pizza from clear plastic wrap. Discard plastic and box.
3 - When oven is preheated, place pizza on middle rack. Do not use pan or cookie sheet to bake pizza.
4 - Bake 8-10 minutes or until cheese is melted and edges are golden brown and temperature of 165°F is reach.
NUTRITION FACTS/DATOS DE NUTRICIÓN: Serving Size ½ pizza (3.5 oz) 99g. Tamaño de la ración ½ pizza (3.5 oz) 99g. Servings per container 2 / Raciones por envase 2. Calories/Calorías 190 | Total Fat/ Grasa Total 8g (DV 9%) | Saturated Fat / Grasa Saturada 3g (DV 15%) | Trans Fat / Grasa de Trans 0g | Cholesterol / Colesterol 15g (DV 5%)| Sodium /Sodio 620mg (DV 27%) | Total Carbohydrates / Carbohidratos Total 26g (DV 9%) | Dietary Fiber / Fibra Dietética 1g (DV 4%) | Sugars / Azucares 3g | Protein / Proteínas 10g | Vitamin A/ Vitamina A 6% | Vitamin C/Vitamina C 0%| Calcium/Calcio 15% | Iron/Hierro 1mg | Potassium/Potasio 2%. Los porcentajes de valores diarios están basados en una dieta de 2,000 calorías. Percent Daily values (DV) are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.